09 June 2009


We have recieved some beautiful entries for the show. In fact, we are up to about 37 entries! Clarkston High School has also delivered the display boards for us and things are looking great!

Jan and I will be going shopping on Thursday and I will also be picking up more entries at that time...or I might need someone else to make a run to the Junior High for me if I am still out shopping.

Speaking of help...I will definitely need some extra hands on the day of the art show. Help includes...helping set up display boards, hanging art and making sure labels match, being at the event to make sure hands don't touch what they shouldn't and maybe helping with last minute details. Also, possibly picking up food from Costco or Kroger. If you are interested in helping, please let me know.


05 June 2009

Getting Entries!

All 64 invitations that need mailing have been mailed! The next newspaper ad has also been submitted and that should appear in the paper Wednesday, June 10th so keep a look out for it. I did pick up some entries from the High School and they are lovely! More should be ready for me on Monday. The display panels will be here early next week. Jan and I will also be going shopping on the 11th.

Everything is coming together for the art show but there is still much to do and the day of the show and the day after will be very busy. I will be sending out a staff email soon asking for helpers. I need to sit down and figure out exactly what I need help with, but it will probably include help with hanging the art, helping at the actual event, cleaning up that night and the day after and finally, hanging up the art work in the main part of the library for the summer. I also might need help picking up food the day of, or if anyone wants to bake cookies for the event. If you are available, I would greatly appreciate everyone's time in helping me. Let me know if you are interested.

In other news: you can make your own sidewalk paint by mixing equal parts cornstarch and water with a little food coloring.